[vc_tour interval=”0″ title_size=”normal” style=”tab-style-three”][vc_tab title=”UlTIMATE ADDONS: using accent color” tab_id=”1475852626366-14-3″]
Headings title
Custom CSS Class = accent-title-color
Headings subtitle
Custom CSS Class = accent-subtitle-color
Headings icon
Custom CSS Class = accent-icon-color
Headings separator (solid)
Custom CSS Class = accent-border-color
Info Box (icons background color)
Custom CSS Class = accent-icon-bg
Info box (title)
Custom CSS Class = accent-title-color
Info Box (subtitle)
Custom CSS Class = accent-subtitle-color
Just Icon (icon background color)
Custom CSS Class = accent-icon-bg
Just Icon (icons color)
Custom CSS Class =accent-icon-color
Advanced Carousel (arrows background color)
Custom CSS Class = accent-arrow-bg
[/vc_tab][vc_tab title=”Reverse columns order on mobile” tab_id=”1573412758496-9-6″]
Add custom class to reverse columns order on mobile device
Accent color:
Custom CSS Class=”paint-accent-color”
Secondary color:
Custom CSS Class=”color-secondary”
Title color:
Custom CSS Class=”color-title”
Highlight text:
[dt_code][dt_highlight color=”” text_color=”#ffffff” bg_color=”#3de374″]your text[/dt_highlight][/dt_code]
[/vc_tab][vc_tab title=”REVOLUTION: include header in fullscreen slider” tab_id=”1443791049165-19-1″]
Paste “.masthead” in “Containers” field on Revolution Slider settings page.
[/vc_tab][vc_tab title=”Centering content in a row or column” tab_id=”1443784436177-17-5″]
Extra class name for VC row or column:
[/vc_tab][vc_tab title=”Submenu background border radius” tab_id=”1447076952604-23-4″]
Menu background
.dt-mega-menu-wrap {
-webkit-border-radius: 10px;
border-radius: 10px;
Hover backgrounds
.top-header .sub-nav.hover-style-bg li:not(.dt-mega-parent) > a,
.top-header .hover-style-click-bg li:not(.dt-mega-parent) > a,
.top-header .hover-style-click-bg li:not(.dt-mega-parent) > a .rippleAnimate,
.top-header .dt-mega-menu .sub-nav .dt-mega-parent .sub-nav a:hover {
-webkit-border-radius: 10px;
border-radius: 10px;
[/vc_tab][vc_tab title=”Submenu 3+ levels left padding” tab_id=”1443777860840-4-8″]
.sub-downwards .main-nav .sub-nav .sub-nav {
padding-left: 20px;
padding-right: 20px;
[/vc_tab][vc_tab title=”Hide top bar on the particular page” tab_id=”1443780160887-15-10″]
.page-template-template-microsite .top-bar {
display: none;
[/vc_tab][vc_tab title=”Single Image – remove lazy loading background” tab_id=”1481899075709-14-5″]
Single img – Extra class name = layzr-bg-off
Custom CSS settings :
.layzr-bg-off .layzr-bg {
background-color: transparent;
[/vc_tab][vc_tab title=”Photo Scroller nav. paddings” tab_id=”7ce82d2a-bb6a-0″]
.project-navigation {
top: 30px;
right: 110px;